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Bailey: Independence #1 Page 4

Then the little voice reminded her that she was standing mostly naked in a room filled with people who watched or were busy in their own little blocks of the shadowy room. Most were absorbed in their own role-play and barely gave a look at others. Except her. She was new and stared like a four year old finding her parents in bed having sex.

  Serene, she repeated the word and wondered why. No panic attacks. Breathe, she ordered firmly. When had she turned into a prude?

  Bailey didn’t know why she trusted him. Or why she was trusting something inside her that insisted she stay. But she felt him approach before he spoke or before she opened her eyes and saw his boots, the sound of a bag settled on the floor the next noise she heard.

  Gabriel knew men didn’t die from erections so hard they hurt, but he was damn sure they’d never forget it. Just walking along the corridor and seeing her in the distance, just as he’d placed her, sent a jolt through a system he thought too long fatigued with too many things in general. He had what he’d wanted from his private collection and in his hand. It wasn’t quite what he wanted her wearing around her throat, but for now, it would have to do.

  Two fingers went beneath her chin and tipped it up, her lashes open instantly and her breath catching.

  He liked seeing surprise in her eyes. He liked feeling the jump in her pulse beneath his fingers as they caressed along her throat. He brought the thin leather collar up and fastened it to her throat.

  “Do you remember your safe word, Bee?”

  “Summer,” she said softly, her voice hitching as his palm stroked over her shoulder and down her arm.

  “Face the wall.”

  Bailey hesitated, her chest rising and falling quickly.

  “I won’t ask again.” His hand tightened on her chin, forcing her head back. “Do you trust me?”

  “I shouldn’t,” she said softly without taking her gaze from his. “And I don’t know why I do.” The patience in his eyes sent a shiver through her. “Yes, Sir.”

  A thrill raced through him at the speed she answered. “Then do as you’re told. Hesitations won’t be tolerated and you’ll have earned punishment. You’re very new so I’m granting you a little more leniency that I’d normally give a sub.”

  “Why…why me?” She blurted out, shivering when his palm slid off her face and onto her head. Strong fingers wove through the thick curls and pulled her head back. “I saw so many others. Watching you. I…I don’t know how to…how to…”

  “It’s called play, Bee. When one or the other is in need of a session, they simply say, I want to play. When the other half agrees, the rules go into effect,” he paused thoughtfully. “I don’t want your devotion. Just your submission. You can’t say you trust me and question my choices. They aren’t compatible.”

  “But you said I could ask questions,” she said hurriedly.

  Gabriel tipped his head in thought. “Yes, pet, I did. Perhaps for the same reason you choose a blind invitation to attend something you knew was unknown to you. Perhaps I’m not interested in a mindless session but crave intellect and humor and even a little defiance. I see all those things in you, and more.”

  Bailey felt the shudder keenly and turned to face the wall, holding her head up and closing her eyes now that he couldn’t see them. He wanted nothing from her but this. This night. This time.

  “Arms above your head, Bee,” he waited a scant second before smacking her ass. “Hesitation isn’t acceptable,” he repeated firmly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she thrust her hands up like she was in a bank robbery.

  Gabriel almost laughed as he attached one lined leather cuff around each of her wrists and adjusted the height, spreading her out just enough to make his mouth water.

  “Will this make it easier for you?” Gabriel had moved to press against her side, the hardness outlined against her hip obvious as he tied a soft piece of fabric over her eyes. “I like hearing the excitement in your breaths, Bee. Can you tell?”

  “Yes, Sir,” came the quivering answer.

  “We’re going to talk now,” Gabriel let his palms begin at the top of her head, caressing lightly over her shoulders and into the arch of her spine. Her body stiffened and her breathing came out in little pants. He pressed his thigh between her legs, the full globes of her behind rubbing against the fabric. The tiny whimper from her made his cock lurch and throb against the front of his pants.


  Gabriel’s laugh was low, husky against her throat. His teeth bit down gently, biting his way along the column. He nudged her thigh when she tried closing them. “Ah-ah-ah…keep them open, pet, or I’ll restrain you. I can do whatever I please with you. Have you ever been spanked?”

  “No...Sir. No, Sir,” she answered quickly.

  “Since I have you bared for the viewing pleasures of anyone walking past, and your nipples are hard and I can feel how wet you are, you must find being displayed erotic,” Gabriel kept his hands busy, cruising up her ribs to each cup a small, aroused breast. He raked one fingernail across the tip of each hardened nipple and received a deep, rich groan as a reward.

  “It’s role-playing,” she said quickly, frowning at the low chuckle he offered. “I never thought about…about being displayed before.”

  “You don’t dislike it,” he said confidently.

  “I didn’t know I liked it,” she admitted, her voice holding the smallest trace of disbelief.

  “What do you fantasize about, Bee?”

  “Oh, god…” Her hips swiveled, her thighs wanted to clench together so bad she could taste it. She felt his teeth on her ear and froze in place.

  “Do you masturbate?”

  “Yes,” came the hissing answer.

  Gabriel stepped slightly to the side, his hand back and down against her ass in a sharp reminder.

  “Sir!” She gulped. “Yes, Sir.” She struggled to listen. She heard a zipper, oxygen catching in her throat. Was he going to…out here? In public where people would watch? See him…see her! Oh, god, hear her!

  “So sweet and wet, Bee,” Gabriel was at her side, one hand sliding down her ribs to the apex of her thighs, his fingers parting the opening of her pussy and lightly, very lightly stroking the sugary dew. “Don’t move, pet.”

  She felt something. Not his fingers. Too smooth, she thought, hearing a rumbling in her ears, the air thrusting itself in and out of her chest very quickly. Then he pushed it inside her, short and smooth. She groaned softly.

  Gabriel tapped the button on the base, his arm wrapped tightly around her middle to keep her from jumping too much against the restraints holding her arms up.

  “Breathe, Bee…good girl…” He stepped back, fastening the harness around her hips to hold the vibrator in place. “Alright?”

  “Y—Yes, Sir,” she managed between pants.

  “I can’t bring us both pleasure without honesty between us, Bee,” he let his palm glide over the fabric and between her thighs, his fingers stroking through the swollen crevice, gathering moisture on the tips and spreading it between her ass cheeks and touching the small puckered opening. “Here. Have you ever taken anyone here, pet?”

  Bailey was positive if not for her hands behind held up, she’d collapse on the floor when he slid one finger through the tight opening. She went to her toes, breathing heavily as his finger stroked through the nerve endings and the buzzing continued on the other side of the very thin wall.

  “No…no, Sir,” she amended quickly, her teeth biting sharply into her lower lip when his finger withdrew.

  “Hmm…I don’t think you’re adverse to it, either. Your responses make me so hard I can’t think straight. It’s a new sensation for me, Bee,” he whispered along her throat. His fingers stroked to the wet opening of her sex, stroking one and then two pressing hard against her clit. “Would you let me have you now, Bee? Here. Where anyone can see?”

  “I…I don’t know…I don’t…we just met…would it please you, Sir?” She asked softly, panting and feeling his thumb stroke up and over her
clit. Her body pressed back and then forward, uncertain where the best sensations would be and uncertain if she could stand all of them at once.

  Gabriel groaned this time, his palms moving to grip her hips, holding her against him and thrusting hard.

  “Oh, my little pet, you have no idea how it would please me. But I want you all night long,” he murmured against her throat. “This night is for you,” he told her, one hand sliding back between her thighs. Before she could react or speak, his thumb stroked over her clit and pressed down firmly until the hard little nub was bared for his touch. His other hand moved to one breast, taking the nipple softly at first and tightening as her pulse sped up beneath his lips.

  “Gabriel…oh, god…” Bailey pulled against the restraints, her head back and breathing shallow.

  “On the edge, pet?” He curved his finger and slid in alongside the vibrator, just inside the clutching walls of her pussy and bit down on her throat at the same time. He heard her breathe her answer an instant before she pulled on the restraints and thrust down hard against his hand. He felt the strength of her muscles; he could smell the heat and flavor of her arousal. Add to that the low, sweet sound of his name pulled from her lips and he did something he hadn’t done since he was fourteen.

  Bailey felt every ounce of strength leave her. She’d never had an orgasm so powerful that her legs were shaking and the muscles inside her still clenched, gripping the finger and vibrator that were slowly eased free, even as her body continued to convulse and remind her of what just happened.

  His hands gripped her waist, his lips moved along her throat. One hand slid to the side, releasing the clasp on the harness and taking the vibrator from her pussy. He dropped it to the bag.

  “I’m going to release your cuffs, Bee, but I need you to sit here for a few minutes while I get something to drink for us,” Gabriel reached up and lowered the suspension ring. Her lifted her against him and laid her on the sheet he’d placed on the sofa, wrapping the soft cotton around her. His mouth brushed hers lightly. “I’ll be a few minutes. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered back, glad the blindfold was still in place. She didn’t think she could face him right now. She could feel heat in every inch of her body. All from his words and his touch.

  “Bee, you were beautiful and pleased me in ways I can’t remember, thank you.” Gabriel brushed her mouth with his before backing up. He collected the small bag and strode off down the corridor.

  For the first time in ages, he was grateful for the dim lighting and distracted patrons. He shoved the door to his office open and headed straight to the bathroom. The boots were pulled free before he stripped out of the pants he just came in, his head shaking in amazement. He wasn’t sure how he’d kept his legs moving after they both exploded. He wasn’t sure how or why the redheaded sub was getting to his head like the finest whiskey.

  He moved quickly, cleaning himself, changing his pants and stepping back into his boots before grabbing two bottles of water from his office fridge and heading back to his little sub. He wanted the mask off. He wanted more information and most of all, he wanted her. He’d listen to his psyche arguing with him after he’d satisfied the savage passion inside him that she’d awakened.

  Chapter Five

  Gabriel had a warm cloth with him when he returned, his smile one that hadn’t been on his face in ages. Simple, pure contentment. He stared down at her. She had rolled to her side, one palm out and open while the other rested beneath her cheek.

  “Bee, it’s Gabriel,” he said softly, the empty palm stroking over her face and reaching for the blindfold he’d fastened around her head. “Stand up and let me clean you off.”

  Bailey blinked as the dimmed light once more struck her eyes, squinting at him.

  Do what? First all the talking and now hygiene lessons?

  “Um…I think I can…I’m alright…seriously…” she groaned when her stuttering was met with that somber, unyielding stare. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, pushing against the sofa and standing.

  “Feet apart, Bee. This is part of what we share. A dom/sub relationship isn’t one sided. We care for one another in ways others don’t grasp or comprehend,” he spoke as he ran the warm cloth up her inner thigh and across the sticky, damp center. He kept his chuckle inside when she squirmed. “Sensitive?”

  Gee, ya think? But she settled for: “Yes, Sir.”

  “I bet I could make you scream at least half a dozen more times before the sun came up, Bee,” Gabriel slowly rose to his feet, dropped the cloth in the container for laundry and framed her face with his hands. His thumbs stroked over the parted lips before he settled his mouth against hers gently. “Let’s relax in the social area. Another time, we’ll go to the pool room and play in the sauna and hot tub. I brought some water for you.”

  Bailey stayed silent. There was too much she didn’t understand yet. For now, she decided to ignore the question about her attraction to a stranger. Maybe she should ignore the fact that she let a guy finger fuck her in public and screamed like never before. Loudly. Okay, maybe there was a lot she shouldn’t think about right now. It would definitely ruin the mood.

  “What about you? Sir,” she added hastily, a hint of color in her cheeks. Again.

  “We’ll talk about that another time,” Gabriel said with a sigh, guiding her to an empty spot. “Head up, eyes down,” he whispered the reminder as they entered the warm area around the fireplace. He handed her a bottle of water just as one of the security men came to his side, his voice low and urgent. “I’ll be back in a moment, Bee. Drink your water.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, opening the cap and taking a long swallow. Her gaze took in the four couples around the fire, three males in the wing chairs and one female, their subs on the floor at their sides. She quickly lowered her gaze, but she’d taken in their positions. Some had their heads being stroked, others a gently placed hand ran along their bare shoulders or back.

  Their conversation was soft, their laughter companionable. She heard talk of stocks, discussions about the latest political debacle and the greed involved in businesses these days.

  Serene, she thought. She glanced at the heavy, thick pillow resting on its side next to the chair where she stood. She knew it would please him. She didn’t know why, but she was positive it would. Stepping back and lowering the pillow, Bailey moved carefully. She remembered their positions. She’d glimpsed it in various forms throughout the floor.

  On the floor. Knees apart, hands behind your back; head down. She could do this. Play the role correctly, she told herself with a deep breath.

  She went down and was getting ready to separate her knees to find the right position when the sharp pain shot through her, buckling her to the floor. Tears formed and fell in pain and frustration as she struggled to push up but tumbled back again.

  “Bee!” Gabriel had been returning when he saw her intent. He went to one knee in front of her, his hands out and gripping her shoulders, lifting her from the floor until she was on her feet.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered quickly, one palm up and swiping at her cheek. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “Are you alright?” He fought the anger that she disobeyed him. “What happened?” He looked around at the others but no one had an answer. Except Bee.

  “I thought…I saw them and I know it’s how I should be but…” The words caught in her throat, her voice shaking. “I can’t and I’m sorry, Sir. I forgot…sometimes I just forget…”

  “You can’t what, Bee? I don’t understand,” he pressed, keeping his voice stern.

  “May I speak, Master?” A petite Asian woman spoke from the side, looking at her Master expectantly. He nodded his permission. “I think she wanted to present herself respectfully, Master Gabriel. But something’s wrong with her knee. That’s why she crumpled.”

  “Bee?” Gabriel put his palm beneath her chin and tipped it up.

  “I thought it would please you but I can’t kneel. I forgot…and I’
m sorry…”

  Gabriel leaned his forehead against hers. The limp, he realized. A jagged swath tore through him when he realized how important it seemed to her.

  “The point of being a master is making changes that suit us, Bee. How can you present yourself?” He stroked one thumb over the last tear that rolled free from beneath the mask she still wore.

  Bailey blinked up at him. “I can sit cross legged. It’s flexible and bends, I can’t put weight on it that way. Sometimes I forget, it’s so normal most other times. I…” she glanced down, nodding to herself. “I can do it another way,” she murmured, going carefully to her good knee and lowering herself to the floor. She bent her legs to the side, forming a W with her legs and body.

  “Back straight,” Gabriel said from above her. “Head up and eyes down. Hands behind your back.” He stared at the thrust out firm, small breasts. “Yes, I like you like this,” he ordered, dropping to his heels and placing one finger beneath her chin. “You please me, Bee. Don’t doubt that. You’ve done very well tonight,” his finger trailed down her throat, touching the slim leather collar he’d fastened around her neck. “I have some business to attend to. Remain here. If you need the restroom, you’re excused for that, and that alone. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” she said softly, grateful for the pillow beneath her knees.

  “How did you hurt your knee, Bee?” He stopped from rising, watching her. She wasn’t accustomed to speaking without looking at the person and the corner of his mouth lifted just enjoying her effort to please.

  “I performed gymnastics when I was younger. The parallel bars. The last time I was on them, they hadn’t been assembled properly and…” her breath caught, the memory of the heavy bars and sides crashing over her as if it had happened yesterday, she shivered. “It was so long ago. I was twelve and the whole system…the sides and bars all came crashing inward and on me. It works alright, for the most part. They put it back together and added some parts,” she sighed. “Sorry. Sir.”

  “You’ve nothing to apologize for,” he let his fingers tangle in the deep red curls before rising. His eyes caught those of one of his friends also seated around the circle and nodded to him. He knew he’d watch out for her while he was busy. “I’ll be a few minutes.”