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Independence: #4 Hayley Page 2

  Dianna waited for the laughter to fall off. One of the owners was Gabriel Garrett and his sub, Bailey, had a reputation of being in trouble for verbal slips throughout the club.

  “What she is offering, will be the very best of her ability for whatever weekend that is chosen,” Dianna continued with a nod of approval. “Evan and I have personally aided with a quick training session and will confirm that you will be receiving a top notch, very fast learning novice.”

  Dianna looked at Evan, a slow wink offered for the next step.

  Chapter Two

  As the bidders and all those watching, gazed on, the dark brown robe was lifted completely from the woman’s shoulders and head. The robe was tossed aside, but no one noticed.

  Low, masculine groans rippled through the room as waves and curls of very long, pale amber tumbled down her back to the very center. The sides were shorter, the center ending in a slight point. Standing upright, shoulders back and head high, she moved the long, slender arms behind her. They stopped at the rise of her ass and she clasped them securely there. The slender straps of coral rested on her shoulders beneath her hair. As she turned slowly to face the audience, the front of her ornate lace and satin coral corset was revealed, along with the woman herself.

  Against the natural tan, the coral shimmered beneath the lights. The thong of the bottoms held a minute triangle covering her pubic mound; the corset had elastic lace that covered and clung to her breasts, just enough to hold the firm, rounded breasts in place. As stoic as her form was, the pebbled tips of each breast thrust against the peek-a-boo lace surrounding them, tempting the bidders to action.

  The numbers on the board made another couple jumps. Dianna looked out at the growls she heard and laughed.

  “Open your eyes, sub,” she ordered gently, reaching up and carefully adjusting the wide matching coral mask she’d chosen to wear for the event. “Beautiful. Don’t you agree, gentlemen? We’ll give you a few minutes to inspect the merchandise before I close the bidding. We’ll know the winner in a few minutes. Evan, please set the timer for three minutes.”

  She watched the man who had been her partner and sub for several years do as he was told before he lifted the discarded robe and joined her at the side of the staging area.

  “I believe you two may have ended the bidding,” Dianna commented with a low chuckle as she strode to the small group at the bar. She looked at Bailey with a nod. “Your friend knows how to stage a show. This beats what we thought we could pull. Congratulations.”

  “You were working with her on this,” Gabe realized, peering down at the innocent, wide eyes his fiancée offered.

  Dianna grinned cheekily. “I listened to the two of you make the rules. There was nothing there against collaboration. Us girls gotta stick together.” She laughed at the male growl from Gabe. “It doesn’t work on me.”

  “She’s very good at the staging and I should have trusted her,” Bailey admitted with a half shrug. “She used to dance in Vegas when she was about nineteen.”

  Dane cleared his throat. “A Vegas showgirl?”

  “For a year…then she was a dealer for a time,” Bailey continued, very pleased at the check she’d be able to give the children’s unit. “That was another year. She did that while she was going to school to be a vet.”

  “Fuck.” Jack took the bidding device from Dane and tapped in another set of numbers. “We’re being beaten out.”

  Bailey frowned and watched the three men off to the side. She looked up at Gabe. “I don’t think that should be allowed. They pooled their money.”

  “I’m not sure what they’re doing is quite right, either…” Dianna had watched three Doms who had never played together before suddenly talking with heads bent, their chatter very low.

  “If they hadn’t played together before, then it isn’t acceptable,” Gabe looked at Colin, another of the owners, for a confirmation.

  “Yes, I have to agree. Otherwise grouping like that isn’t fair to the sub. They don’t know each other well enough to benefit working with a sub.” Colin kissed Angel quickly and stepped to the side, long legs crossing to where the three men stood talking.

  Gabe watched as one of the men turned on his partner with more than a little anger, but he also knew Colin could handle himself. Especially since he was also the legal representative for the club. Gabe placed a reassuring hand on Angel’s shoulder when she stiffened.

  “He’ll be alright, Angel.” Gabe promised her soothingly. Their last month and a half together hadn’t exactly been smooth and Colin had been hurt in the process.

  “That’s better,” Dianna agreed, the sound of the timer going off sent her back to the stage. She stepped up to the woman standing immobile and held her hand out to her and her voice soft. Both wrists were immediately placed in Dianna’s palm. She looked out at the audience and counted down aloud to zero before nodding to Evan.

  He went to Jack and Dane, his voice low. He received a pair of crimson leather cuffs and carried them to Dianna.

  “Congratulations, gentlemen. Your bid will help the children’s unit and hopefully, provide the three of you with an enjoyable, eventful weekend.” Dianna led the silent sub to the stairs, her voice low as she verbally guided her to floor level. While she walked to the waiting winners, people appeared and began dismantling the temporary stage.

  “Problem resolved?” Gabe asked when Colin rejoined them, the disgruntled trio going off in different directions.

  “Of course. Once I informed them that the management made the rules. That our auction sub was not a pass-around girl and that the fact that they had never been known to work together, disqualified them from bidding as a unit.” Colin eased Angel back into his arms, his chin resting on her head. “They tried lying. I told them give me the dates and I’d have computer logs verified.”

  “Circulate their names,” Gabe said quietly. “Keep an eye on them. I’ll have Claudia check their membership and see how long they’ve been members. They might need a refresher about honesty.”

  “Thank you,” Bailey peered up at him with a mischievous smile. “Sir.”

  Gabe shook his head, his palm sliding down her back and onto the exposed ass with a firm slap that made her jump. Just enough.

  “Excuse us, gentlemen, mistress,” Gabe applied a suitably grim expression. “I think I’ve been sorely lacking in my reward for the win my sub just accomplished. I’m incredibly proud of her. Enjoy…and congratulations on your win.”

  Dianna looked at first one man and then the other before nodding.

  “Jack…Dane…Hayley. Congratulations.”

  Jack didn’t touch the set of cuffs they’d had made a few years ago when they realized how much their experience was enhanced when they played together. Neither of them was gay or even bi, but the act of sharing a woman, and especially a sub, had heightened their senses like never before. He walked very slowly around the woman wearing the coral mask.

  Dane held out his hand when Dianna handed him a key to one of the private rooms on the third floor. He looked over the woman’s shoulder at Jack before placing his closed hand beneath her chin and tipping it up.

  One part of him groaned; another part of him throbbed and the third part of him made him shake his head at the fire deep in eyes almost the same color as her hair. A deep, golden honey color with hints of red at the edges.

  “Mistress Dianna offered her training to you?” He asked, holding her gaze without a hint of emotion on his face. When she nodded, he shook his head in response. “Always verbal.”

  “Yes, she did,” came the low, flowing answer.

  “Then I’m more than a little certain Mistress Dianna and Bailey explained the protocols for addressing your Dom, whether it be for a night, a weekend or a lifetime.” Jack leaned in from behind her, his hand on her hip and stroking along her bare side. His lips were beside her ear. He had to hand it to her. She never jumped. Never moved a muscle, though he did hear the tiniest of gasps.

  “Sir,” s
he corrected immediately. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “There are two of us,” Dane mentioned casually, one hand rising to allow his fingers to stab into the long hair at the side of her face. He didn’t tug on it, just allowed the thick strands to flow over his hand.

  “Sirs,” she amended quickly. Her eyes were locked on the thick cuffs Jack buckled to each of her wrists. They were connected in the center with four shiny steel links.

  “Are we agreed that we’re still in negotiation level?” Dane moved to the side and made certain he met her gaze. For a moment he saw a flash of confusion at his question, so he continued. “We don’t want a conflict as far as time is concerned, Hayley.”

  “What my partner is so tactfully, if ineptly, trying to convey,” Jack murmured from her other side. “We want our full forty-eight hours with you. We wouldn’t want you to feel short changed…because you certainly will not be neglected during that time.”

  “That was tactful,” Dane murmured.

  “Yes, Sirs, I understand. Nothing has started yet.”

  “Let’s go to the private room and talk,” Jack said quietly, stepping to the side and waiting while Dane put his hand in the center of the cuffs and moved to join him. “Come with us,” he said and released his hold on the cuffs.

  “Yes, Sirs.”

  “Tell me again who started the bidding on this?”

  “I believe that would be you,” Dane offered with a deep chuckle. “She’s a very quiet sub. And I know our charity allotment is nowhere near used for the year. So this fits in as a nice end of year tax deduction.”

  “Always practical. And I’ve noticed the silence.” Jack looked over his shoulder at the woman following closely behind them. “So it either means we haven’t done anything to shock her yet…or she has a very high tolerance…”

  “Or amazing control,” Dane added, one brow rising when he looked back and saw nothing to indicate she’d heard them.

  They climbed the stairs without another word and Dane held the door to allow her to pass, his gaze sweeping from the shoes to her head and back again.

  “In the center of the room,” Jack said quietly, staying near the door with Dane and just staring.

  It was a plain room for play with a sturdy cross in one corner, a spanking bench and shelves of necessary supplies. Everything from aftercare blankets, to lube to vibrators were provided for members. Two large, cushioned leather chairs were against one wall with a small table between them, but the men continued to stand near the door.

  She’d done as he said and now stood with her feet separated, hands in front of her, head bent and body erect and completely immobile.

  They looked at one another and then back at her.

  “You’re prepared to begin the weekend now?” Jack asked, leaning back against the wall. He braced one foot on the frame of the door and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “If that’s your wish, Sirs.”

  “Have you ever had sex with two men before?” Dane wanted to know.

  The faintest sound of her taking a little sup of surprise reached them.

  “When you’re asked a question, Hayley, you’re expected to answer,” Jack spoke quietly, his head tilted as he studied her. Something was off. But he couldn’t put a finger on it yet. “We’ll be tolerant to a point, considering you helped a friend and you are very new to the lifestyle. If your bio is to be believed.”

  “I didn’t lie to anyone,” the words were out before she could stop them. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut when she realized the mistake. “Sirs.”

  “Omission, avoidance…evading…a lie is a lie, regardless of the pretty wrapping paper,” Dane commented, his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he walked very slowly around her. “Why the mask?”

  “I didn’t want to be recognized,” she admitted after a slow breath, regaining her control.

  “Afraid for your reputation?” Jack frowned. Not such an unusual statement. Their lifestyle choices weren’t exactly mainstream acceptable. But there were also unwritten rules regarding privacy as well as the membership contracts signed by all who entered the club. But he knew it was far from foolproof.

  “Afraid my relatives would hear of it,” she answered carefully.

  Dane stopped at her side, his hands rising and lifting her hair. He moved the thick mass over one shoulder and looked first at the expanse of skin bared to their eyes and then to the man he’d been friends with for too long.

  For the first time since their introduction, the men saw her breathing hitch, her shoulders stiffening just a little more when Dane ran his fingers over the too familiar scars at the upper part of her back. His gaze fell to the similar ones below the corset, across her hips and ass cheeks. Logic said there were more beneath the corset, yet unseen.

  “What happened?”

  “Accident,” she answered too quickly.

  When the firm, large palm struck her ass, the sound echoed in the room. This time they knew they had her attention because she gulped in a deep breath after the startled yelp. She settled back on her heels, taking in several more quick breaths.

  “That’s a lie. And I’ve already told you we will not tolerate lies, Hayley,” Dane leaned over for a closer look.

  “We both know what whip scars look like. And whoever did it wasn’t particularly talented with it,” Jack said from his position several feet away. “What was it? A seven foot bullwhip?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, shivering at the memory.

  “Very good. Now…try again, Hayley. What happened?”

  “Fiancée…many years ago,” she finally answered.


  “I was twenty-two. I caught him cheating. I ended it. He didn’t take well to being dumped,” she answered, her tone flat and lacking any emotion. “He worked the rodeo circuit and believed he was very good with the whip.”

  “Continue,” Dane said softly, his gaze flowing over the narrow waist to the scars scattered over her hips and ass. His head shook at the anger bubbling inside him.

  “There is nothing else.”

  “Where is he now?” Jack asked patiently.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did you turn him in?” Dane pushed the words between his teeth.

  “No…I didn’t have to,” she exhaled slowly, memories were a bad thing for her control, she thought briefly. “My grandparents, on my father’s side, had four sons. They all had boys. I’m the only girl. They were taught at a very early age to take care of me.”

  “They exacted punishment,” Dane guessed with a slight flow of relief. At least the bastard didn’t walk scot free.

  “They exacted revenge,” she said softly. “It’s also why I wore the mask. I know…from what I’ve been told…I won’t be hurt past what I can endure,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “But the males in my family…I’m not sure they would understand what I’m looking for.”

  “A very good explanation, Hayley,” Jack unfolded his arms and stood up, moving to the opposite side from Dane. “But you never answered our first question. Have you ever had sex with two men before? At the same time?”

  “No,” she whispered, hastily adding. “Sirs.”

  “What makes you believe you want the experience?” Dane prodded, amusement in his voice.

  “I don’t, Sirs. I hadn’t expected to be…to be with two Doms. So I expect that it’s left up to you to convince me that I want the experience.” Hayley managed to keep herself from moving, aside from the slight wince, that they couldn’t see because she thought they were behind her.

  “If you opened your eyes,” Jack suggested with a little chuckle. “You’d notice the mirrors, Hayley.”

  “Since we’re safe behind doors with no one to watch,” Dane moved to stand in front of her. He raised his hand and tapped on the edge of the mask.

  She raised both hands and carefully removed the clips holding the mask in place. When the dark lashes lifted, he knew he and Jack were instantly screwed.

sp; Defiance was mixed with uncertainty. The smallest hint of trepidation rode the side rail of excitement and there were tiny gold flecks that sparked and seemed to darken when he held her gaze, neither of them wavering.

  “My, my, my…” Jack came around the opposite side, one brow arched high as he watched the showdown. “Would you like to sit, Hayley?” He gestured to the chairs next to the wall.

  “No, Sirs, I’m fine, thank you.”

  “So what do we need to know about Hayley?” Dane asked with a frown. He ran one hand over the very shortly clipped dark brown hair, his palm scraping over the shadow on his cheeks.

  “You’ve been given a paper copy of my sheet, Sirs,” she said without shifting from her position. “I…I don’t really know if I filled it out correctly. Bailey said it was alright and explained things to me.”

  Jack rattled the sheet Dianna had handed him when they won the auction. “We’re curious about you outside the club, Hayley.”

  For the first time since they’d seen her on the stage, that question seemed to shake her. Her head moved, her gaze sweeping from one man to the other. Her chest rose and fell a little quicker.

  Chapter Three

  Jack didn’t like the reaction they were getting. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the chair, sitting down with her on his lap. He didn’t have to say a thing to have Dane shake out a blanket and drape it around her shoulders. Dane reached out and took the edge of the mask between his fingers. He had it in his hand when he sunk into the other chair, adjusting it a little closer to them.

  “Breathe, Hayley,” Jack ordered firmly. His hand took hers and urged her to hold the edges of the blanket together.

  “I’m not cold. I’m alright,” she told him just as firmly. “Sirs. Thank you for your concern.”

  “We are not going to do anything to harm you, Hayley,” Dane spoke as he leaned forward, his forearms resting on his jean covered knees. Hands dangled between his legs and the mask swayed back and forth in his fingers. Her eyes were lowered, focused on the hands she’d clenched around the edges of the blanket. He looked up at Jack and shook his head slightly.