Bailey: Independence #1 Read online

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  Then perhaps he had to take his partial ownership seriously and take care of the newcomer. He straightened in time to see something that brought a low and primal growl from deep inside him.

  Bailey studied and processed what she was watching. There were people in all shapes and colors, she realized. It also seemed to transcend age. It was the Pacific Northwest area, though, so she shouldn’t have been surprised by the wide diversity.

  She was careful to stay out of the way. The huge floor appeared to be broken down in nicely arranged compartments without walls or barriers. She looked down at the combination flooring and tiles, only then noticing the geometrical designs. People seemed to understand the breakdown and took portions appropriate to whatever they were doing with a partner. Or partners.

  She swallowed a gulp. And none of them appeared the least bit shy or reserved. The sounds definitely helped to heat any part of her left chilled. It was like watching live action porn, she thought, the few times she’d watched modern porn it hadn’t done a thing for her. This… She blew a puff of breath between her lips and felt the lips of her pussy twitch.

  “Are you here alone?” The large man stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

  “I’m just visiting,” she answered hastily, eyes wide behind the mask. His lack of attention to her personal space sent her backing up a step as he circled her, like a predator sizing up the perspective meal.

  “No collar and no cuffs.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Let’s play, little girl,” a harsh voice spoke close to her ear and made her snap up and stumble in the effort to face the male speaking to her.

  He was dressed totally in black, like the evil character in Aladdin, she thought briefly, even wearing a turban.

  “No. No, thank you. That’s very kind of you. Honestly, I’m just…” The words rattled off in a fast staccato.

  “Silence!” He ordered cruelly.

  “Wait! There’s been a mistake,” she said hurriedly.

  She was still taking in the various scenarios when the hand came from behind her and gripped her upper arm with biting force. A startled yelp left her lips. Eyes brightened all the more because of the biting pain in her arm and shimmered with moisture behind the frosted silver mask she wore. She stared up, confused and frightened at the harsh words and deep voice.

  “Never look me in the eye, slut!” He growled, dragging her forward and pushing her against the wall.

  “I’m sorry,” she said earnestly, honestly. “I am really, really sorry. Please…you’re hurting me. This is a mistake. Let me go.”

  “Perhaps a little more pain is just what you need to learn your lesson,” he raised his hand and swept his palm across her face. Bailey was too stunned to scream and it froze in her throat. He’d brought it to the other side, about to bring it down on the shaking, cowering woman when his wrist was gripped and twisted behind him.

  “Dennis, you’ve made a grievous mistake,” Gabriel’s voice was low and hoarse, his gaze quickly sweeping the woman. “Release her. Now. Or I’ll break your arm and it will be well within the rights of management.”

  “Fuck you, Garrett! Get the hell out of my scene! And it’s Master Dennis!”

  Bailey realized that suddenly the voice didn’t seem so confident or sure of himself. Master? She heard a little whimper and realized it was from her.

  “What’s your safe word, girl?” Gabriel stared into a pair of emerald eyes baffled and far too wide and a heart shaped face losing its color. He pushed harder, shoving the arm he held higher. “You didn’t ask her safe word?”

  “I don’t have one. I…this is the first time I’ve been here,” she tried explaining hastily. “I’m not really sure what it is…”

  “Do you know Dennis?” He looked into the wide, frightened eyes, her head shaking negatively immediately.

  “I’ve never seen him before in my life,” she whispered raggedly. “I swear.”

  “Lying to me, Dennis? And abusing a guest who did not ask for your attention?” Gabriel twisted the arm he held a little tighter.

  “She’s a lying bitch. She’s not wearing a collar or cuffs. That means she’s free game.”

  “Safe, sane and consensual,” Gabriel said the words evenly. “Did you give your consent to Dennis?”

  “No. I told him no. That he was making a mistake…” Bailey closed her mouth and tried to slow her breathing.

  “What’s her name?” Gabriel raised his other hand, crooked a finger at her and waited until she moved quickly away from Dennis and to his side. He tapped his ear and leaned toward her. “Name?”

  “Bee,” she whispered very softly, taking in the spicy scent of the man who’d come to her rescue. “Just like the letter.” She felt that was the safest answer. This was a place she decided she didn’t belong and as soon as she found a way out without causing any more trouble, she was gone.

  “I don’t have to tell you jack. Let go of me.”

  Bailey stayed out of his range, her hands clenching in front of her, worried he’d get free and hit her again. She brought one palm up and rubbed her cheek. She could feel the heat of his stinging slap. If she wasn’t wearing soft slippers, she’d have at least kicked at him, the time honored girl battle plan.

  “You’ve lost your privileges, Dennis. Next time, stay sober when you want to play,” Gabriel nodded to a man that had come forward. “Escort Dennis to the exit. He’s lost his privileges until further notice. He can petition management for reinstatement and explain his behavior then. See that video is pulled and attached to his file.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Bailey backed up another step when Dennis growled and made a grab for her, only to find himself almost lifted from the floor by the young man wearing a security t-shirt as he was walked toward the draped exit.

  She wasn’t sure where the strength in her knees had gone but was really grateful for the wall behind her. Palms flattened out and her eyes closed. She tried slowing her breathing, tried making things stop spinning. She’d just wanted an adult Halloween party. Was that too much to ask?

  “Some water, Gabe,” a deep voice spoke just in front of her. “I’m sorry we didn’t step in. It’s hard to know…”

  “I only know because I’ve watched the room for too long, James. Thank you,” he took the water in one hand, holding the tall iced glass to her lips. “Drink, girl.”

  Her lips parted as ordered, his voice a low, sensuous sound that broke apart all the noises going on around her. Something she could hold onto, focus on. She took several long swallows before raising a hand and opening her eyes. She pressed the glass back politely.

  “Thank you. I…I don’t know what I did…”

  “It isn’t you. He broke a couple rules, one of which to never come here drunk,” he handed the glass to a passing waiter. “Let’s go to one of the quiet corners and talk. I think your color is coming back. I’m sorry he frightened you. More sorry that he struck you.” He held out his palm. “Gabriel.”

  “Bee,” she answered automatically, sliding her hand into his and watching the large fingers close around hers.

  Bailey let herself be led. He was easy to follow. His voice was pleasant, she thought again. Low and seductive. Smooth and compelling. Like something out of one of her best romance novels, she mused.

  She glanced around the corner he led her to. Quiet and a little apart from the others chatting. She settled into the corner of a large, cushioned sofa, her knees drawn up beside her.

  “Bee,” Gabriel spoke her name softly, watching her eyes. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble for her costume. So how could she be on the chamber floor and look so innocent? How the hell was she on the chamber floor and not know what it was all about? And he knew from watching her that she didn’t have a clue what she had walked into when she came through the curtains. “How did you get here?”

  “A car…a driver, I suppose, is more accurate,” she answered honestly.

  “Okay…wrong question,” he brought o
ne hand up, rubbing the back of his neck.

  She liked looking at him. He wore a white silky shirt, open half way down his chest. She could see dark coils in the flickering lights and looked up at the dark hair that barely touched his ears and didn’t touch the collar of the open, billowing shirt. He wore a sash around his waist and a pair of loose black pants that ended in a pair of boots that stopped at his knees. His eyes were dark, too. His jaw firm and throat lean. He wore no jewelry, no rings or anything else marking him.

  “I didn’t mean to cause a problem. I was just watching.”

  “You’ve never been here before,” Gabriel decided on a course of careful questions. Not that she seemed adverse to answering. Her voice was soft and deep and left the pretty bow of her natural colored lips with a timbre that had his cock aching. Maybe he’d just been too long without a sub and companion. He caught himself, questioning his own choice of words. He’d never made a sub his companion. He frowned at the thought.

  “Definitely never been here before. It looks so nondescript from the outside.”

  “Who brought you here?”

  “I told you. A driver.”

  “This is an invitation only affair,” he chose his words carefully. “How did you get inside?”

  Gabriel felt his brain question his sanity when she casually reached into the bodice of her outfit and held out one of the specially made coins. No embarrassment; no coy flirting. Just open honesty.

  “May I?”

  “Yes, if you promise to give it back. The note said I should always get it back,” she said firmly.

  “Note,” Gabriel said the word very slowly but took the coin and looked at the number. Dark eyes sharpened and narrowed. “Where did you get this?” He demanded coldly, his fingers closing around the coin.

  “It came in the box with the outfit. May…” She licked her lips, the hard line of his jaw making her swallow. “Please? May I have it back?” She looked around, accepted the coin back and placed it safely inside her bodice. “Are there other floors? Am I allowed to explore? The note said I could.”

  “Do you have the note?” He asked cautiously, suddenly stunned at the brilliant smile that shone even in her eyes with all the excitement of a child opening packages on Christmas morning.

  “I do,” she stood up and took a step before turning back. “Wait here?” She accepted his nod and moved across the room quickly.

  He almost laughed at her order. He had to search far back in his memory for a time when someone gave him an order and here the little Jeannie issued it without a second thought.

  Gabriel’s head tilted to watch her move, her gait only slightly betraying a limp. A limp that definitely added a seductive sway to the globes of her behind. He could tell by the lines of the harem pants she wore, that there was nothing beneath it but flesh.

  He moved to the sofa, arms stretched along the back as she wove her way through the various scenes being played out on the floor of the chamber. He knew from experience these were tame compared to the other levels. He found himself studying her. Slim fingers held a small beaded bag with a long silver chain that she slipped over her head before opening it and pulling out a folded note.

  He felt his jaw clenching. The stationery was too familiar.

  She held the note out to him, his fingers taking the thick vellum and absently testing its weight. Very familiar, he thought before opening the folded page and reading.

  This is your night. Your chance to explore and open your senses. Learn the truth about what hides behind the double doors. Everything you need is inside the box. Be at the address below at eight this evening. The gold coin is your pass inside a new wonderland for you. Explore and enjoy. They will record the number on the coin. Make certain it is returned to you. You’ll need it later. A vehicle will call for you at seven-thirty to deliver you to your destination. It will also wait for you, when you’re ready to return home. Your costume and destiny await you.

  Chapter Three

  Bailey sat in the corner of the small Victorian sofa, the high cushioned back edged with gleaming dark wood. Her focus was on the note he held in his fingers, hoping he wouldn’t crush it. She wanted to snatch the note from his fingers but somehow knew that wouldn’t be the brightest thing she could do.

  “Please don’t destroy it,” she bit one corner of her lip, eyes instantly on his when they lifted from the crème colored paper.

  “And just how do you know that’s what I want to do?”

  “You’re angry. It’s on your face. In your eyes,” she said softly, her gaze going back to the tightly held paper. “Whether I had a good time or not, I wanted to keep it. It’s a girl thing…you know…memories?” One hand rose and gently tugged on the paper, surprised when it came sliding free. She quickly folded it and slipped it back into her little bag. “Thank you.”

  “Whatever I’m angry at, Bee, it is not you.”

  “Thank you,” she repeated, a smile surfacing from somewhere. “Is it alright for me to go to the other floors?”

  “You’re still feeling intrepid after being assaulted?”

  Bailey shrugged. “I don’t know the rules. Not completely. I’ve read some books, but wasn’t quite sure until I was inside where I was going. I suppose I should have researched the address. But…” She made a little face. “There really wasn’t time by the time I got home from work.”

  “You’re not a reporter.” He saw the answer immediately in the little frown she offered. His fingers moved along her throat, tugging on one of the unruly, deep red curls. It stretched below her shoulder and sent a shiver through her. The gaze she had been holding now falling to her hands.

  “No. I work with computers all day. I’m a programmer and systems analyst. And people. I train people.”

  “Did you have any inkling where you were going tonight, Bee?” He asked softly. He couldn’t guess her age. Perhaps mid-twenties. Maybe a little older. He would prefer older. A clinging twenty year old had a tendency to grate on his nerves lately.

  She sighed, her head shaking. “No. Well, no, not really. I knew it would be a costume party. As I said, I should have researched it before but I got home late and…I wanted something different,” she said firmly. “I had invitations to parties. But it gets so old watching people make fools of themselves, too much drinking, too much drama and fighting and…once you get past a certain age and you’re still single…somewhere along the line it really lost its appeal.” She looked up to see him studying her. But she could see understanding in his gaze. “I don’t exactly fit in the twenty-something crowd. They’re nice enough,” she sighed. “And most of them are good friends.”

  “But it’s not enough,” Gabriel kept his gaze on her. “Since you didn’t research your destination, what do you think now that you’re here?”

  “I’m thirty-one years old, Gabriel. I don’t shock easily.”

  He almost laughed. She made it sound ancient and all knowing. So what was it about this ingénue that struck some place deep inside him? He couldn’t recall his attention this piqued in ages. Or his cock. Maybe he’d become more than a little jaded with the events around him lately.

  “Age doesn’t entitle you to knowledge, Bee,” he replied, one corner of his mouth lifting as her gaze shifted to the wide open space of the chamber. “And certainly not experience.”

  “I’ve read about it,” she repeated stiffly. “This…type of place. Really good authors.”

  “It’s a BDSM club for consenting adults, Bee,” he clarified without mincing words. “Are you consenting?”

  She didn’t turn to face him, her attention on a couple near one of the thick wooden beams. The girl was attached to the suspension hook above her head, her toes dancing on the floor below her and her master sweeping her body with expert ease and the leather strands on the end of the club like handle he held.

  “What is that thing? In his hands?”

  “It’s called a flogger and comes in many sizes and styles,” Gabriel answered simply. “It’s ma
de out of all types of material, but that one happens to be deer hide.”

  She watched the man swinging the strands of dark red leather, his arm barely moving but the sounds of the strands striking made her eyes widen more and more. Yet the girl thrust back for more.

  She participated in many a Renaissance Faire and recognized the items being used. Only the noises the girl made were as far from pain as Bailey could imagine them. And when the man slid his hand between her legs and came up soaking, she swallowed hard and couldn’t stop looking. Part of her attention was the whole naked thing that seemed to be prevalent.

  Gabriel continued to play with the mass of dark red curls that hung beneath the shimmering veil. Now and then a shiver raced through her and his fingers ventured to the expanse of crème colored shoulder. She was far outside his realm. She was adorable and fresh, with wide eyes filled with fascination, delectable feminine curves and a stubborn tilt to her chin that probably went with the red hair.

  A challenge.

  Or his Waterloo? He heard the warning deep inside him and shoved it aside.

  He was a dom. He controlled things. He controlled people and scenes. He didn’t get controlled.

  “Bee?” He spoke her name quietly, firmly enough that he knew he’d gotten through to her.

  “Yes?” She wasn’t sure where her voice had gone. Her eyes were riveted on the couple, watching their interaction and the expression on the woman’s face.

  “What do you see, pet?” He kept his voice low, hypnotic.

  “Serenity,” she answered almost without having to think. “She’s serene. In a place that…I don’t know. Reading about it is very different than seeing it.”

  “And far, far different than experiencing it. Look at me, Bee,” he waited for her to comply. Thick, dark lashes blinked and she faced him, her chin tipped up to meet his gaze. He’d slid to the edge of the sofa and straightened his body so she had to look up to meet his gaze. “Are you consenting?”

  “I…for that?” Her voice rose considerably, her breathing hitched and coming too quickly.